Monday, September 17, 2012

The Bus.

Spiritual Warfare. It's a very sticky word. One in which sometimes meanings and such give Satan more glory than he deserves. But, I must say, sticky or not, it exist and cannot be over looked. Currently at Living Hope we are doing a sermon series called "BASIC". It's like basic training on how to live, function, and give you proper identify in Christ and in Christ alone. It has really stripped me of a lot of things and really made the focus of the basics in my life real. Through this series last night, God was really doing a work in my heart. As I woke up this morning I felt not rested and very weird. All night my dreams consisted of the battle of heaven and hell. When I woke, I realized God's already and conquered, Jesus has already won, and the Holy Spirit was giving peace and equipping me. Praise God for those moments. In that very moment I put those thoughts out of my head, woke up, got my mind ready for work, and headed out to the Y. As I got there the kids were great. We had fun talking about different things. It was a normal morning. I drive a big white bus and well, the kids call it the "white prison bus'. I know, not really the thing you want to be known for, nonetheless, it's about Jesus not me. Well, we get on the bus, I drive to the first school, and the news crews and everything are there because in the middle of the night a truck drove through a wall. The wall caved in and news channels were covering the story as we arrived on scene. Nothing too unusual. Then I drop the kids off like normal and head out to my next location. As I am driving down the road, watching the quiet kids left on the bus for the next destination, I hear what sounds like an airplane taking off, then a big "CLUNK". I look behind me to see if anything has fallen off this monster bus. Nothing, I thought, just a bump probably. Well, I turn off on the exit for the next school and realize the battery light is on, the brakes do not work, the power steering has gone out. As I am driving and children are still on the bus, I just pray. That's all I can do. It was a simple prayer, but I didn't pray it over and over again because the Lord had already prepared my heart. I thought about the dream last night and knew that God would guide me. I made it all the way from that school through the carpool line and back to the Y. The bus is being fixed, and the Lord is faithful. I recognize that not all things are spiritual warfare but I really feel like this was. I am so thankful for God bigger than me. Personal enough to love me, and graceful enough to protect me. Praise Jesus.

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