Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glorifying Christ in all that you do.

Glorifying Christ in all that you do seems almost impossible with todays world. However, we know that through Christ all things are possible. And nothing is impossible with God. These verses can often be used out of context, but when it comes to serving Him, I believe it's true. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and He came to set us free. In America, we really misuse this statement and context. Christ did not come to set us free so that we may be free to receive salvation and walk in flesh, but so that we may be FREE indeed. Free to walk in Him. What does this mean exactly? Well, think about yourself... Everyone has a flesh side (your desires, your wants, your natural heart), everyone has a sin nature (the nature of imperfection with God in our lives because of the fall of man, and the fall of satan and his angels), then there is the Holy Spirit. The last is not present unless you believe in Christ, and receive Christ as your own, by taking up your cross, dying to the first two daily, and repenting daily. Christ came to set us free from sin, and flesh. This is done through the Holy Spirit and sacrifice of Christ. He came to set us free that we should repent and be free not sin, or if we do to be redeemed by His blood! One thing, I think many Christians struggle with, and I do too, is that we often forget than in setting us free from flesh, He, Christ, has set us free from the culture that we are bound too, and His word is the only proper mirror in which we rightfully see our selves. See being set free from culture is one of the most difficult things. It defines your family, your walk, your words, your actions, your understanding, and sometimes your citizenship. BUT that's just it. Our citizenship transfers from earth to heaven once we are set free in Christ. And therefore, we are set free from the customs and culture of the day. How is this done? Through Christ. How is this not done? Not by being conformed to this world, but rather by being transformed and renewed in Christ.

So, what made me write this? God is stirring my heart. It's constant. And when you take dirty water and stir it, all those things that have settled at the bottom began to surface and become evident that the water needs to be poured out and refreshed. This is done, only through the Living Waters, which is Christ. Thank you Lord for that. But also, something I have never thought about before until recently in this bible study I am doing at Living Hope Church with the women in our group. Is that our hearts have to be made new (that part is not the new concept for me) but rather our hearts go from a rock to God replacing it with a sponge. When you first replace a sponge with a rock, well, the sponge can be hard, and rough. But once water begins to flow through that sponge it absorbs what it needs too. Then the sponge, just like the heart becomes soft and teachable. Christians, we need to be teachable. However, God is teaching me right now. He is bringing to my mind all the things He promised when I first started serving Him. I want to be faithful in that. One of my favorite verse that I have come to love is Daniel 12:3. Look it up.

I am trying to let my heart be a sponge and one that is clean and constantly absorbing His will and not my own. This is the danger in a new heart. Sponges absorb things, but make sure it's absorbing His word. Secondly, through Daniel and other biblical studies lately, I am learning to glorify Christ in MIND, BODY, and SOUL. Which means I am learning to glorify him with my actions toward my future husband (something I have been working on for years, as I am still single) and with my body (something I didn't have to worry about until 3 years ago when I started gaining weight, so this is new to me.) and with my soul, constantly giving my flesh to him, and letting the Holy Spirit guide my life. So please pray for me.

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