Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grace. Amazing Grace.

Grace. Simple word with simple truth. Yet, so difficult to implement when not walking in the Spirit of the one who so well calls us to it. What is grace? I like what the legal dictionary best says: "a special favor, and not of right." You have not a right to grace from God, or even man, but rather the favor of God, which so lovingly, He- the God of all- has called us to is merciful enough to bestow upon us. "For it is by GRACE you are saved, not that of yourselves, so that no man can boast."Verses like this which man overuses because he cannot fathom the whole bible alone together as one making up the most beautiful love story of Grace. Grace is when I am having a bad day and I want my own merit, and God says, "Hello, I love you. Do you love me?" Grace is that I do not have anything of my own merit that would keep me from the pits of hell, no good, no right, but yet, He, God himself, sent His son, part of Himself, to walk this world with us, so that we might receive eternal life with Him. "O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be." GRACE is nothing without the one who so generously bestows it. How does grace get to be so amazing? AMAZING GRACE comes from the amazement of the MOST AMAZING, God-The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but know I see." I was once lost, searching for the truth in a world full of deceit in which Satan has gained reign. Yet my Father so graciously found me. I did not find Him, but rather as I was searching He found me. The most beautiful way that I have ever seen this described is: When a Father is playing hide and seek with his daughter. He is not far from her, nor is he even not visible, but she searches only to not find her Father. She calls out to Him, "Daddy, Daddy"-"Abba Father". He comes from the spot that is less obviously since she is a child and begins to chase her, she turns and runs to him and he embraces her in his arms. This is much like Gods call to us. What started out as our search begins His chase. I was once blind, but now I see. I once saw my will, my ways, my right. Only to find that through new eyes, the eyes of the one that is the same, yesterday, today and forever, are the right eyes to see from. His vision is the only 20/20 vision.

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