Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Great Things the Lord has done for me.

It has been awhile since I have written to the world to let them know the great things the Lord continues to do for me. First, I will start off saying you will enjoy this post if you read it to yourself in a British accent. Why, you say? Just for the fun of it. Secondly, just because you are reading it in a British accent doesn't mean you should not take the words of my heart very seriously.

You say, what has the Lord done for you, Marissa Blaylock? I can say this.. many things in which I will only write about a few.

In January, the Lord gave me a new year, along with many others in this selfish country of the United States of America. The Lord allowed me to experience many things many poor citizens of this world have not experienced. I have a roof over my head, and food to eat, so in Memphis alone, after scrolling through downtown, I will say I am blessed.

Also, I met a new friend. This friend moved into our apartment complex that I live in. She is quite unique and fit right in with our group here. I am excited to share with her in the journey of serving the Lord in Memphis, Tennessee. Also, the Lord has changed such a selfish heart that mine has become, to be a heart of generosity, love, kindness, and one that has thought about the many actions it has made in two-thousand-and eleven. After thinking of my actions in twenty-eleven, I am now thinking what I can do to better change my action in twenty-twelve. What has your Lord told you to do?

Well, I must say... He has challenged my heart. I am currently reading a book called, "Kisses from Katie." Katie is a young lady, very young, in her twenties, who moved to Uganda and adopted at least eleven children. Katie has a heart and passion for the Lord that I have always wanted. When I first said yes to the Lord, and no to my selfish sins and desires, I had, much like Katie, a passion and a willing heart to be set-apart, holy for the Lord, unwilling to yield to my selfish desires. Seeing as how I said yes to the Lord in October of 1999, I wish I could say that the very statement I just shared with you is still true today. Unfortunately it is not. I became complacent like many of you who are reading this. I said yes to the Lord, but I also said yes to more bills, so I could live in the nice Penthouse apartment I have. All along I told myself it was for the new church plant I was apart of. I told myself the Lord would bless it. I said to myself, Marissa, set this apartment apart for the Lord, have gatherings and meet new people. And the Lord did blessed it for awhile. But now, I am challenged, to live the life that Katie lives in my own country. To go to a country just as far away from God's kingdom, as Africa. Where is this? My backyard, my apartment complex, my city. After much prayer, I talked with my roommate Hannah about this. We both have a huge desire to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the nations. In much astonishment, she agreed. We are now moving back into a one bedroom in the same apartment building just to have more of an impact on our lives, on the kingdom of God, and on our selfish hearts. We want to save our money, specifically about $350 of it a piece. And we both want to sell what will not fit into the other apartment and not hold onto our earthly treasure. I am not a saint, I am a sinner. And I recognize that the only hope I have is in the Lord, Jesus Christ. I want to live for him here in Memphis, Tennessee. I want to quit being complacent. I want to serve him in unfailing character even when it is hard, and I want to do what I feel the Lord has called me to. Serve him in a unbelieving, selfish culture in one of the richest places in the world. Here's the catch, am I willing to become poor in a rich world of America, just so that I can become rich in Him? I ask myself that everyday for the past few days. I sure hope so, because guess what, I'm moving now whether I like it or not. Thank you Lord for often making me uncomfortable! I need that, to see that this world is not my home, and I'm only passing through, gaining more friends and family in the kingdom of God everyday, if I am really living for you.

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